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As early as in 2001, we obtained the Quality Certification UNI EN ISO 9000 followed shortly afterwards by UNI EN ISO 9001:2008. Rather than a target to reach, we have been considering these qualifications as a starting point for a further improvement.
Quality has become our leitmotiv, which has led us towards continuous monitoring of production chain at all stages, paired with constant staff training. Further, we have been spending considerable efforts in establishing partnerships with reliable suppliers, and realizing common projects. Environmental certification UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 is just a confirmation of our commitment to the environment. For over a decade, we have been producing solvent-free, using only recycled water. We have also invested in energy-saving technologies, and have recycled waste materials whenever possible. Finally, we range a steadily increasing assortment of recycled materials.
Vegam UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 certified
Quality & Environment Policy SPAC Divisione Vegam 20.02.2019
Vegam GRS 2020-305 certified
UNI PdR 125:2022